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GALILEO 🐍Glutton the Wyrmingo (Snake+Flamingo Creature)🦩 for VRCHAT/VRC/HALLOWEEN

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GALILEO 🐍Glutton the Wyrmingo (Snake+Flamingo Creature)🦩 for VRCHAT/VRC/HALLOWEEN

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*Thank you to my beloved BF, Machine_Galaxy for helping out with the cover pic gif thingy!!

Yeah! It's a Halloween model! Woooo! Happy Halloween, folks! Introducing yet another creepy creature from my Scifi-Fantasy Universe/Lore! The actual Wyrmingo beast in my lore does not have two heads by default! They usually only have one, but as in nature such things can happen! The reason Glutton has two heads is because he is technically two beings fused. But, more on that lore down below if you're interested. *Also, for any phrases that may not be real words or used oddly in the lore description, that's just kinda stuff I made up for the universe. Some things mentioned aren't actually real things or words lol.

I want to take a slow steppe away from super humanoid models and focus on more creatures like monsters and even unique robots with unique body shapes! Now that I've learned Constraints and stuff.... wooooo! So this is my first steppe! I hope you enjoy!

*Also, I understand that some of the previews on here are cut off. That's Gumroad's problem. Thank Gumroad for messing that stuff up.

*PLEASE KEEP IN MIND!! I use 2019! If you use 2022+, you may need to slightly update the constraints and stuff. If you still use 2019, you're in luck haha.



-.FBX File, Unity Scene, Textures, and the Substance File are all included!

-Several blendshapes from visemes (mouth movement) to some fancy blinking, several body modifications via blendshapes like gender change, thiccness change, Hunt, belly, and plenty more! Expressions are OF COURSE also included! Many toggles and options as well!

-Hunt Permission Colour System

-Full body/VR/PC-ready! I will include Quest-ready materials though by default this is NOT a Quest model!


-Big maws and claws and whatnot as always, this time with TWO HEADS!



-Can you turn this model into an OC/use it to represent yourself? Absolutely, but understand that the base model is a character of mine, so please modify it into your own design if you decide to use it as an OC! Put your fursona/sona, OC, or design onto it! Use it for whatever of yours!

-Can you redistribute this model in other games like SecondLife, TowerUnite, VRC, etc.? As long as you have my permission and myself (GALILEO/ALISTER P.) saying that it's fine, then sure. But you need to discuss that with me first. If I say no, please don't get offended.

-Can you sell this model, even if modified, on other websites or give it to others for free? Please don't. A lot of us small artists have very little money, so giving it away or reselling it isn't respectful to us small creators and isn't helping us in any way. The BEST THING YOU CAN DO is kindly advertize and show it to others.

-Can you sell texture reskins you make, clothes you make, accessories, etc. for this model? Yes! Just make sure to link it back to the original creation/page and to NOT sell the OG base model itself even if it is edited! You may sell the skins alone or anything you make FOR this model alone, but not the actual model! Thank!

-What if you can't texture or edit things yourself? Could you give it to someone to simply edit it/commission someone to texture or edit the model? YES!! You MAY do that, as long as again it's not giving the model away for free! But if you would like someone to help you edit the model, that's fine.

-Can you edit and personalize this model? Yes! Go ahead! Edit it however you'd like! As long as it is not used for anything illegal or hateful, go ahead.

-Can you make renders of this model, SFW or +18? Sure. Go ahead. I'd love to see all creations you make whether they be edits for VRC, renders, all that fun stuff!

-You should NOT be buying this model or any of my products if you are below the age of 18!

- Please do NOT upload an unedited version of this model as a CLONABLE,PUBLIC MODEL on VRC UNLESS it is HEAVILY EDITED/RETEXTURED! The only OG one that should ever be uploaded to VRC is the public/preview one that I HAVE UPLOADED. If I see this, I will report the upload and author. I, Galìleo/Alister, AM THE ORIGINAL CREATOR. Also, do NOT upload this avatar to any worlds, thank you!

-If you see anyone claiming to have made this model, please report them. I will do the same. Again, I am the ONLY person who should be saying that, as I am the OG creator. This rule also includes if it is publicly uploaded to worlds other than MY avatar world!



-Since this is my first time trying a lot of things, some things may function...a bit weird! This is a 2019 Unity model, so just a heads up, you may need to update some things! I'm pretty sure the SDK does that for you know, but if not just make sure you have a little Unity know-how if you're using Version 2022!!

-I recommend not using Locomotion and just sliding around for this fella! Makes it more realistic. This isn't an issue, just a recommendation for more realism yee!!

-The UVs for the Hunts are weird in Substance. Just mess with the .PNGs and it's all good.

-Again, this is my first naga/advanced model, so go easy on me lmao

-Yes, there WILL EVENTUALLY be an adult toggle so stay tuned for that.


Glutton is a being of pure, well, Glutton....with a nasty aftertaste of greed honestly. He did not always used to have that name either.

Glutton is classified as a Shadow Diety after fusing with the Wyrmingo. Before that, he was a lowly Void Demon. By default, he looks nothing like the creature he is now or whatever he may come to be.

For billions of years he has waited to find a being that has evolved into the exact shape and with the exact capabilities that he desires for his host body. Finding a snake-flamingo-like beast in Black Sector, he figured it's good enough to start altering and fusing with. With the help of Scientist/Umbralogist, Karma, of course. Not many humans actually know how to stitch Void onto biological/mortal/physical things, so Karma is one of the few who knows how to do this due to his alliance with Death.

Karma -being a boarderline Chaos Cultist, and so only wishing to spread mayhem- decides to assist Glutton in his quest. Karma is a man who is fully capable of both creating and ending the universe. He doesn't do it due to fear, and tries his hardest not to dwell on the fact that he knows how to do it in several different ways. He knows that it is not his place to do a god's work.

Once Karma finished the twisted deed for Glutton, he betrayed Karma. This is actually also where Glutton gets his name. From here Glutton builds power, eventually building enough power to rise to Godhood. With his new powers, he creates a pocket dimension entrapped within the shell of a walnut and banishes Karma within it, then eats it. Glutton only releases Karma when he requires Karma to stitch more upgrades onto him so that he could fit even more of the ever-expanding universe (that he seems to be infinitely eating, thus the constant body upgrades) within himself.

It is said that only on the darkest surfaces of the darkest planets can you see the long, dark and starry tail of the massive beast. It is a starry yet seemingly darkened trail of what he once was and in the end what he will always be: Void.

Glutton claims to own all is what it means to be truly free, and his only goal is to consume all. Everything is his, everything is a part of him. He can change anything and everything he desires. Despite his belief and no matter how much of his stomach he fills, his hunger can never be sated. The void will never be filled.



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Unity File, .FBX, Substance File, Textures, Customizations, Uniqueness, Hunt Toggles, and more!

91.1 MB
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